Monday, August 31, 2015

Fleeting Fame Bonus

This is how it is with fame

This is how it is with fame:
One minute, you’re on stage
receiving accolades and praises,
the next minute, you’re driving
in your daughter’s used car
with the hole in the exhaust
through the Burger King,
wearing your concert gown
with the corsage still pinned on.

You wonder just what kind of quality
you’ll get at this late hour,
but it’s burger and fries (especially
the fries) that you want,
and after the laudations of a satisfied
public, you think you deserve it.

At home, your jammies
are nothing special:
a t-shirt you got in Jamaica,
and some worn pajama bottoms,
the matching top of which
you can no longer find.
But you found your way along
the keyboard tonight, and you
made an impression on the guest
celebrity who was your partner
for the evening.

But your home is ordinary,
and your bedclothes are humble,
and tomorrow you’ll no longer
be justifying late-night French fries
just because you could do something
at one required instant that not many
others can do.  Tomorrow

will be leftovers.


  1. I love this - and SO relate :)

  2. I so clearly remember the night I drove through Burger King after playing a duo-piano piece (among other things) when Mark Hayes was a guest of BeckRidge Chorale! Yes, I imagine you can relate!
